follow up ?
(too old to reply)
2004-02-15 04:17:05 UTC
hi there,
i recently went 4 an interview, where i was selected, but was stuck on the
salary issue, i was thinking abt a "follow up" email to find out wts the
status, is it a good idea ??...i m having a very little experience in these
type of matters..

also some suggestion on the contents of the follow up letter ?

Charles Page
2004-02-15 14:38:52 UTC
what exactly do you mean by stuck on the salary issue?
Post by dumboo
hi there,
i recently went 4 an interview, where i was selected, but was stuck on the
salary issue, i was thinking abt a "follow up" email to find out wts the
status, is it a good idea ??...i m having a very little experience in these
type of matters..
also some suggestion on the contents of the follow up letter ?
2004-02-16 06:59:12 UTC
Post by Charles Page
what exactly do you mean by stuck on the salary issue?
we are at present discussing abt Salary, sort of negotiation..
Charles Page
2004-02-21 22:35:34 UTC

You could say something like, "What kind of wiggle room do we have
here?" If they say $1,000 and that is what you want, good. Else you
need to find a way to create some more wiggle room.
I would also research what people with your job and experience are
getting paid. That way when you say I should be paid x more, and they
say why, you can show them the numbers. They will usually respect more
than anything else you can say.
The above also comes back to the fact that you need to have some idea
of what you want to get paid when you negotiate. Researching these
facts will give you a really good idea of what is reasonable.
Stay positive, and remember that just about everyone is replaceable
(unless you can write code like Tiger Woods can play golf), so don't get
intractable. On the other hand, they probably expect you to negotiate.
My father (who has a lot of experience negotiating deals) will tell
you that there are two kinds of approaches to pricing (or your salary in
this case), one is low ball it, and "let" the price work its way higher.
The other is to set "the price" and when the other person says they
would rather pay x you explain to them why y and not x is the fair
price. They are probably low balling it. So they expect you to come
back with a counter offer.
Hope that this helps.

Post by dumboo
Post by Charles Page
what exactly do you mean by stuck on the salary issue?
we are at present discussing abt Salary, sort of negotiation..