"Sergey Muschin" <***@hotmail.com> wrote:
:>I am impressed :) ,
:>with both of you, guys :)
They are something aren't they!!!!
(Isn't Thailand the capital of Burma?? (grin)).
:>"Brent" <***@nospam.com> wrote in message
:>> Bangkok is the capital of Thailand
:>> Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia
:>> "Ivan Kossey" <***@cablenet.de> wrote in message
:>> news:43e26ca5$***@newsgroups.borland.com...
:>>> Kuala Lumpur is capital of Bangkok. Do You not know?
-- Rod
Please note that, due to time differences etc, it might be 24hrs before I
get back to this group so please consider yourselves thanked for any help
you may be able to provide.